Announcement: SCERA Auditions, Feb. 16-17, 2011, The Sentinel Newspaper

Mon Feb 7, 2011

Contact: SCERA, (801) 225-ARTS, April Berlin (x. 1011) or Adam Robertson (x. 1014)

Auditions for the staged reading of "The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey" Feb. 16-17

(Orem, Utah). SCERA is collaborating with BYU to co-produce a new musical based on the best-selling children's book "The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey" by Susan Wojciechowski. The production, written by Ward L. Wright, Randall Wright and Marvin Payne, will be live on stage at the SCERA Center for the Arts during the 2011 holiday season.

A stage reading of the show will be held March 10-12, 2011. Auditions for this staged reading will be held February 16, 2011 from 7-11pm at the Pardoe Green Room at BYU. A sign-up sheet can be found outside F-515 HFAC. Open auditions will be February 17, 2011 from 6-10pm at SCERA, 745 South State, Orem. No appointment is necessary to audition at SCERA. An accompanist, boom box or IPOD playback will be available.

Auditioners should prepare to sing 16 bars of a song of their choice. The music of the show is a hybrid of country, bluegrass and musical theatre.

The role of Jonathan Toomey is already cast and will be played by David Morgan. Available roles include a minimum of six men and six women for the chorus, one female lead and two male roles. A young boy age 9-12 (but looks younger) is also needed for the role of Thomas McDowell, which is a large speaking and singing part.

Rehearsals for the staged reading will be held Feb. 23, 24 and March 2, 3, 8 and 9.

For more information, contact SCERA at (801) 225-ARTS or visit

All material copyright The Sentinel Newspaper, 2011