Nebo Philharmonic Orchestra Sails Away in Next Concert, The Sentinel Newspaper

Tue March 01, 2011

"Over the Bounding Main" is the next concert presented by the Nebo Philharmonic Orchestra, free of charge, on Friday, March 11, 2011, 7:30 PM, at the American Leadership Academy in Spanish Fork. From the pounding rhythm of "Russian Sailors' Dance" to the rollicking overture to "HMS Pinafore," this concert is full of the romance of the high seas. A sea voyage, a storm and shipwreck are part of selections from "Scheherzade," by Rimsky-Korsakov. These are the tales that saved the life of Shahrazad, whose husband, the king, executed each of his wives after a single night of marriage. Beginning an enchanting story each evening, Shahrazad always withheld the ending: A thousand and one nights later, her life was spared forever. A repeat performance of this program will be held at the Spanish Fork Veterans Hall, 400 N Main, on March 19 at 2:00 PM.

The public is invited to all concerts for free this season. The orchestra has changed and grown over the first five years of our existence. We are volunteer musicians from the Nebo area, playing for the love of music. If you are interested in joining us or want to know more, please see

All material copyright The Sentinel Newspaper, 2011